5 Bad Personal and Well Being Habits to Break in 2017

We made it through the series...we've discussed bad home habits to break, how to manage your digital clutter, and cures for bad life habits.  Today, I wanted to address some personal and well being bad habits that we all need to work on to some extent in our own lives.  I say these for my own edification as well, trust me.

    1. Making Excuses: It's too late... I'm too old (my #1 pest peeve)... I'm too tired... I'm too busy...  OMG, GET OVER YOURSELF!  Seriously, do you hear how annoying you are?  You can always find an excuse why you can't do something, how about figuring out a way that you can.  As the popular saying goes, we all have the same number of hours as Beyonce or Oprah or whoever you look up to that is killing it.  It's up to you to decide how you want to spend those hours. Make it count. Trust me, you will not look back in 70 or 80 years and be so proud that you binge watched every series on Netflix, basically watching other people's scripted lives rather than living your own.  And as for the age thing, it's all a state of mind. I'm older and I'm wiser, but I'm NOT OLD! 
    2. Keeping up with the Kardashians (or the Hadids, Smiths, or Lees).  With social media today, we get to peek into almost everyone's lives if we want to.  It's fun and oh so addicting!  Just remember that most people are showing their highlight reels, they're not showing the not so glamorous moments on their feeds so stop comparing yourself.  And let's not forget all the editing apps and filters that make that photo look just so.  You may be shocked by what reality actually is. Anyone who has been involved in any level of production knows that behind-the-scenes is a hot mess, but you don't see that.  You're only shown the polished, finished product. It's also the reason why we never let curious people come tour a house when we're in the middle of staging it because it always looks bad before it looks good and laypeople who don't understand the process, panic when they see the imperfections.  Do you, be you, and if you're not happy with something, change it!
    3. Not Getting Enough Sleep: I know we are all guilty of this. As much as I try to get 7-8 hours of sleep, it just doesn't happen.  I even set up the sleep timer on my phone to remind me at 10:30pm that it's time to go to sleep by 11pm so I can get 7 hours of shut eye if I'm going to wake up at 6am. IT NEVER HAPPENS! It's my bad, I know. I need to be more disciplined to make this a reality. Oh, and the waking up earlier to nonsense, I'm not even going to disappoint myself with that one. I'm much better at staying up late than getting up early, thus the not being able to wake up. We'll see if my clock changes as I age.
    4. Not Exercising and Eating WellMy father had a very unfortunate accident a few months ago and I've been at hospitals and rehab centers more than I care to recently and seeing the struggles the patients go through has lit a fire under this girl's booty. I started taking pilates and yoga classes regularly. I'm not a gym rat so that's out. I wouldn't mind trying Soul Cycle if there were one near me, although cycling has never been my thing so I'm only curious because it's all the rage these days. I still enjoy my dance fitness classes although I haven't been in a bit. Be realistic and find what makes you feel good but you have to fit it into your schedule. Thinking about it doesn't translate to your physical condition.  I've also been pretty diligent about taking my vitamins daily (except for today...oh snap!). Eating healthy has never been a big issue for me. I'm not a 100% organic, green juice, no meat kinda gal, but I'm not a fast food junkie either.  I don't need to preach on this subject.  You all know you need to get your bodies moving and watch your diet. As we age, these things are even more important. I want to avoid taking meds to regulate my blood pressure and cholesterol and whatever other ailments that seem to affect so many.  It's taken me years just to get in the habit of taking vitamins, meds too? No thank you!  I plan to stay active my whole life so the only way I can ensure that's going to happen is if I am active now. Damn...that was a mic drop moment!
    5. Dwelling on the PastFor those of you who can't let stuff go, seek help because holding onto the past holds you back in so many ways.  It's over, move on! Whether it's a job, a relationship, or a period of time of the greatest highs or the most unfortunately lows. Learn from your mistakes and don't let it happen again and it's fun to reminisce and revel in your glory days but what are you doing today? Focus on now, the present. Get excited about what you're creating in your life going forward.

Happy New Year.  Cheers to making 2017 the best year ever!!!


Fall in Love with Your Home: Fireplaces


5 Cures for Bad Life Habits in 2017