A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words, but this one leaves me speechless...almost!

See the pictures on the right? Need I say more? I mean, really...is the listing agent and the home sellers trying to AVOID a sale because if that's the case, I think they're doing a GREAT JOB!I saw this during a search online and I just had to share it because I'll bet that if I did some research, this is NOT the only listing that is making this horrible mistake. According to NAR, 90% of home buyers begin their home search online. That's what makes internet marketing so important and powerful when done effectively because it is an open storefront 24/7. People from all around the world can find your property at their convenience. And then you see THIS?!...can you hear the horror movie music playing?These photos are doing a major disservice to all parties involved...the sellers, the listing agent, the listing broker, but especially, the buyers. Honestly, can you see anything beyond all the cr*p?!!! With my well trained imagination, I can't even look beyond it so imagine all the prospective buyers who pull up this listing based on the criteria - # of bedrooms, # of baths, square footage, city, price range, etc. The exterior looks okay, but it would have been better to move the big SUV off the driveway so you can actually "see" the house, and then...you see the interior photos and that horror movie music starts playing in your head again...yikes!!!I'm sure there's a few of you thinking that this is probably a short sale. Short sale, equity sale...what's the goal? TO GET AN OFFER right? NOTHING happens until you get that offer, especially in a short sale. Until you have something to present to the bank, they're not playing with you. It's even MORE important in many ways for short sale properties to show well because the clock is ticking, especially if the owner has stopped making payments. If you don't have an offer to start the short sale process, the foreclosure process kicks in and then you're really screwed.So whether you're a home seller, a real estate investor, a realtor...PLEASE, I implore you, take a good, hard look at what you're allowing to be marketed via MLS and other mediums. If you're going to go through the trouble of attempting a sale, maximize your efforts or at the very least, put a little effort into it...for EVERYONE's sake!Don't rush putting a less than saleable property on the market and don't ever put less than the best marketing photos online. If buyers don't like what they see online, I promise you, they'll never come see it in person!


When Faking it Just Doesn't Make it!


Pricing to sell in today's market