Countdown to Spring: Spring Cleaning Motivation and Cleaning Up After Being Sick

Spring is hereWell, we made it! Happy First Day of Spring!Locally we've been blessed with beautiful Spring, almost Summer-y weather so I'm lovin' it.  I'm definitely a warm weather kind of gal...not a fan of being cold!To finish off this Spring Cleaning series, I wanted to address two areas: 1) Getting Motivated to Clean and 2) How to Clean Up After Being Sick.Melissa shares some great tips in the video below to get you motivated and keep you motivated to clean.  I personally find myself either devoting a whole day to cleaning the house or I just do a little bit each day and inspiration seems to strike late in the evenings.  Don't think you can ever get motivated to clean? My personal tips are 1) Throw a Party - nothing motivates you to clean like hosting an event at home. I've always said, everyone should throw a party every couple of months for that very reason. 2) Watch a couple episodes of Hoarders and it'll light that fire under your lazy me, it works like a charm!So put your hair up, turn on your favorite Pandora radio station and get to it!How to Get Motivated to Clean

Based on personal experience and seeing tons of posts on Facebook the last few months, everyone has gotten sick this season.  First there were the rounds of flu and then more recently, it's colds. Whatever illness has struck you and your family, you need to disinfect and de-germify your environment to ensure you don't pass the fun to anyone else.  After suffering from the flu, I literally went through my house with a big tub of anti-bacterial wipes cleaning all the door handles, light switches, remote control, iPad, iPhone, computer, any and all surfaces I may have touched.  Another great thing to do as much often as you can is to air out your house.  Open up the windows and doors and let the fresh air in.Here's another great video from Melissa that she posted about a month ago that I thought was very timely.How to Clean Up After Being Sick
Well, that's it (for now).  Now that you've done all this great work on your homes, go out and enjoy the new season...Happy Spring!


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Countdown to Spring Cleaning Tips: How to Clean Your Bed