Countdown to Spring 2018 Declutter Challenge Day 6 and 7

Welcome to Day 6 and 7 of the Countdown to Spring 2018 Declutter Challenge. Yay, we made it. Hello Spring! I hope you've been following along with our Countdown to Spring 2018 Declutter Challenge.  If not, please take a few minutes to catch up on Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day4, and Day 5.Yes, I'm combining the finale since I wasn't able to present them individually. In today's video, we are going to take a few minutes to declutter our make-up and close the loop on something we are all guilty of during the declutter process. 

Challenge #6:  Declutter Make-up and Cosmetics

The beauty industry is at an all time high with celebrities and beauty bloggers sharing products all day long on our social media feeds. We can't help but try the latest mascara that promises to give us long lashes without the expense of extensions, or that lip kit that will give us the perfect pout and the list goes on, but did you know that makeup has an expiration date? Yes, it does and it's not marked on the package like food is.Here's a quick guideline on how long make-up actually lasts.

Mascara: 3 monthsEyeliner/Shadow: 6-12 monthsLipstick: 1-1.5 yearsLipgloss: 18 monthsCream based foundation, shadows, and blush: 12-18 monthsIf make-up is unopened: 2-3 yearsPerfume: 3-5 years

Go through your collection and do yourself a favor and toss out any old make-up that you've been hanging onto. Keep in mind that cosmetics are applied to your skin and that contact creates bacteria. It's not healthy to keep something around for years and expect it to be good for you. It will likely cause skin and eye irritations and who wants to risk that?  I know it can feel like a waste when you still have a lot of product leftover but just like you wouldn't drink spoiled milk just because you have a full carton, you shouldn't be using stale make-up either.BONUS: Now that you've cleared out the clutter, give your makeup brushes a good cleaning.  Your skin will thank you!

Challenge #7:  Follow through with delivering those donations!

Now we are going to get real about those donations.  You know, those bags of clothes, shoes, miscellaneous household items that you are planning to donate, but it just sits around the house? No more. Let's load it up in the car and drive straight to the local donation center and bless someone else with the items that you no longer need. Don't think about it, just start moving it out.This happens to all of us. We have good intentions and we've gotten to the half way point, but somehow that final piece of action does not happen. Make a commitment to yourself to finish that task and bring it to the friend, family member, church or donation center by this weekend.  You'll feel so good about completing that task and that you freed up space in your house and let's not forget about that monkey on your back, that last open box that hasn't been checked off...aaahhh...feels good right? High 5 on that!Thanks for following along. I look forward to sharing more tips with you going forward. Please leave me a comment on how taking a few minutes each day to do something has changed how you feel about you and your environment.Here's to Living a Happy and Clutter Free Life!


One Room Challenge Master Bathroom Renovation | Before and After Tour


Countdown to Spring 2018 Declutter Challenge Day 5