If not NOW, then when?

Where has all the time gone? We're closing in on the last few weeks of the year when everyone starts to slow down, take time off, and postpone regular business until after the holidays. It's also the time when people evaluate their present conditions and set goals for what's ahead. As business owners, you know that December can sometimes be the best time to work "ON" your business. Over the past few weeks, I've been evaluating my own personal endeavors and reflecting on what I've been doing in my business. There are many things that I am proud of, but being an impatient person by nature, I'm also frustrated by not having achieved all of my goals. Throw in some major distractions and I've just been lacking motivation and feeling like I was spinning my wheels.Well, not being one to just wallow in my s**t, I had to snap myself out of my funk and make decisions about what I wanted for me, my life, my business, and my future. I believe in my vision and know that I just need a little help to gain clarity in my message so I can get it out there in a BIG way. I strongly believe in coaching and there's something to be said about the one-on-one interaction that you can't get from reading a book, article or even watching a video. We as Professional Home Stagers are coaches to our realtor and seller clients. We are able to objectively look at their homes and tell them what they need to do to achieve their ultimate goal which is to get their properties SOLD. We are committed to helping them make that happen, but NOT ATTACHED to the outcome which makes our advice that much more valuable.As entrepreneurs, we are ultimately responsible for what gets done in our businesses, but sometimes knowing what those steps are require an objective point of view. When we're too attached, we can't see the forest from the trees. That's what I've come to realize for myself. It's so easy for me to see what all of you can do to take your business to the next level, but when it comes to my own, I find myself getting stuck. So, after evaluating, studying with and participating in many programs over the last year, I've decided that this is my time to step into my power. I'm tired of taking baby steps and ready to make a quantum leap to achieve the success I know is so close and even bigger than I can imagine. I'm investing in myself and my future with a million dollar mentor that I know is right for me. I'm so excited, I don't even know what to do with myself.During my strategy session with her, I was telling her about my business, my vision, my goals, achievements and also about my daughter and the current break-up with my husband. More importantly, what I also told her was that I knew I needed to first take care of myself, so I can take care of my daughter. She commended me for realizing this because most people in my shoes would choose to retreat during such a challenging time. Also, most people are of the opposite school of thought, that their #1 concern is to take care of their children and put themselves at a lower priority. But think about that for a minute. There is a reason why when you're on an airplane, the flight attendant advises you during an emergency to first put your air mask on, then assist children or elderly after. Bottom line is if if you don't set yourself up for success, you're no good to anyone else.So be honest with yourself and ask...have you been sitting on the sidelines "thinking" about what you should do or perhaps you "know" what you need to do to take your business to the next level, but nothing happens. You may even be rationalizing your actions or inaction for that matter..."It's not the right time", "you don't have the money" or perhaps you take a few steps forward, but you stop yourself from achieving any real success.Whatever "it" is for you, you have to make the conscious decision to JUST DO IT! Instead of giving up or worse, do nothing, you must make a change and do things in a different way. Ask yourself, "if not now, then when?" I've decided to step up NOW because NOW is MY time...not next year, not when the economy gets better, not when other people wise up, it's now because I choose it to be.What is it costing you to stay where you are? The answer to that question has me got me fired up to stretch myself way beyond my comfort zone in 2010 and I look forward to sharing my transformation with you.In closing, I want to leave you with the following quotes from The Daily Motivator by Ralph Marston...enjoy & I challenge you to take inspired action TODAY!

Value in the changes

Seemingly out of nowhere the world can change, and those changes can sometimes be very difficult. But don't let those changes fill you with resentment or fear.Instead, let the changes ignite your determination. Let them spur you to be more creative, more purposeful, and more focused on what's truly important.When circumstances change, there is great challenge. And with that challenge comes great opportunity.With each change, new positive possibilities are born. Put your energy, your awareness and your creativity into figuring out what those possibilities mean for you.One thing you can always count on is that the world will change. And even in the difficult changes, there is value to be found.Be ready and willing to uncover that value, and to make the most of it. And no matter what happens, you'll always have the ability to get where you decide to go.

What it takes

Just because you seem to be at a disadvantage is no reason to give up. Instead, resolve to push forward with consistent, focused effort.Those who achieve are not necessarily the smartest, or the wealthiest, or the best connected. Those who achieve are those who are the most persistent.Your level of commitment over the long term is a much bigger factor than any relative advantages or disadvantages that may exist when you first start. Choose where you would like to go, and keep making the effort until you get there.Be willing to do what it takes, and you can achieve whatever you wish. Instead of worrying about where you are when you begin, put your energy into making steady progress.If you can take one step and then another, you'll get where you choose to go. So take the first step right now, and then begin working on the next one.You owe it to yourself to live life at its best. Now is your opportunity to make that life happen.


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