If your kid’s bedroom is like most tweens/teens, there is not enough room and they have way too much stuff. Trust me, I only have one and it’s amazing how much one child has. We’ve done many makeovers over the years, but this past summer, we really made a big difference which is fitting since she just turned 13.
Here are my TOP TIPS for giving your child’s room a makeover that will not only be beautiful, but functional at the same time.
First and foremost, you’ve got to REDUCE THE CLUTTER.
You know what I’m talking about, the clothes, stuffed animals, the games, toys, electronics and maybe even a few books.Before we even talk about organizing and displaying these items, we’ve gotta get to the root source of the problem and that is, there’s just too much stuff.’s the rule we follow:
It’s also a good idea to give the items an audit meaning, is it still age appropriate? If you still have baby books and the child is 10 or 11 or 12, it's time to give away those books. We kept a few of Alexa’s childhood favorites and we’ve passed on the rest. Same goes for toys. Toys tend to take up more space when they’re younger. We had the paint easel, the life size doll furniture, the vanity with the princess head so that you can do her hair, the kitchen set. I couldn’t wait to give those things away. If you don’t have the luxury of a dedicated play room and you don’t want your living or family room to look like a daycare 24/7, then it’s likely stored in their bedroom. Make every effort to limit the amount of intake and do a regular purge. Great times to do this is just before their birthdays or the holidays when you know they’re going to get new stuff.
This is the best way to keep not only clothing organized and visible, but if there’s extra room, you can stash board games, books and other items in the closet as well. You’ll be amazed at how much more you can fit in your closet when you have a organizer system. You may even be able to eliminate extra pieces of furniture in the room, therefore freeing up more space - WIN WIN!!!
Create a dedicated desk space
It’s important to have a dedicated space to do homework or crafts. When they’re younger they may choose to do homework in the kitchen where you are, but as they get older, they need a space in their bedroom and It’s as simple as having a desk, a good chair and lighting. More importantly, you need good desk organizers for all the school supplies and miscellaneous stuff. When you just have an open drawer, stuff looks messy and cluttered and you can’t find anything. Take advantage of all the cute organizing systems available in the marketplace and make life easy. Need a post it, you know where that is. Need a ruler, you know where that is too. This also eliminates purchasing duplicates of what you already have - don’t you hate that? Especially during back to school...why do you have 26 glue sticks? Not anymore!
This is the fun part. You can personalize the space by decorating with the child’s fave colors and incorporating their sport and other activities and interests.Unless you have deep pockets, I would recommend avoiding “theme-y" furniture like Thomas the Train beds or a Princess bed because that phase will only last 2 or 3 years and then they grow up and don’t want to sleep in train bed anymore. Choose a good neutral bed and opt for the theme bedding instead. It’s way easier and a lot less expensive to replace the bedding than a bed. Same goes for pillows, art, curtains and all the rest.Finally, it’s important to
take advantage of the vertical space.
While it’s important to have things at your child’s level so they can reach it, all too often I see walls that are completely naked while the floors are completely cluttered.Add hooks, add shelves, move things off the floors. Frame up their artwork or add magnetic boards, cork boards or clips for them to hang up their work or momentos. This reduces the floor clutter while at the same time personalizing the space.Now you’ve learned multiple ways and the strategies for how to how to successfully makeover your kids bedroom. It takes some work but once you have a good system in place it makes it easier to maintain over time.Since I can’t do the work for you, I have curated some of my top organizing tools to keep those new and improved bedrooms looking great all year round. You can download the bedroom makeover shopping guide for FREE here!So now you’re pumped and ready ready to tackle your child’s room right? It takes some work but the results will be so worth it.My biggest challenge is keeping up with all the little tsotchkes that come home from birthday parties and events - they’re just not allowed in the house anymore. How about you? Let me know what your biggest challenge is in the comment section below.Make sure you get your FREE bedroom makeover shopping guide.If you found these tips helpful, be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel and share it with your friends!Let me know how it goes!