The Staged Home Lifestyle Radio Show is "Live" TODAY!

I'm so excited to kick off the Staged Home Lifestyle Radio Show today.  On a weekly basis, I will be interviewing real estate and home related professionals from all across the country to provide homeowners with valuable information, resources and tools for home selling, improvement, maintenance and living! This radio show is an extension of the Staged Home Lifestyle Network which is an elite membership club designed to take home sellers from preparing their homes to sell to designing the Staged Home Lifestyle in their new home. Staged homes are not just for selling, it’s a way of being and there's no better way to experience this than through the guidance of experts in their field.So...MARK YOUR CALENDARS for every Thursday morning at 10am PT/1pm ET for 30 minutes of juicy information with live Q&A immediately following. We have some very exciting guests lined up including the fabulous Ms. Catherine Grison, Feng Shui Expert and Decorator Extraordinaire who will help us launch this program by sharing with us "How Feng Shui can Help Sell Properties". We also have Professional Organizer, D. Allison Lee scheduled to speak with us about "How to Organize a Low Stress Move" and Celebrity Party Planner, Marley Majcher will share her expert tips on "How to Turn Ordinary Open Houses into Extraordinary Events".  Stay tuned every week to our Blog Talk Radio page for more information about upcoming featured guest experts.Remember, you can listen "LIVE" through your computer on our Blog Talk Radio Page at or listen "live" by phone by dialing into (347) 838-9121.Look forward to having you in our community!


Staged Home Lifestyle Radio Show with Feng Shui Expert, Catherine Grison


Effective Home Staging Tip: Flooring Dos and Don'ts