The Ultimate Checklist for Pre-Vacation Home Preparation

Are you heading off on vacation? Cool, but prepare your home before you hit the road! Planning can keep your place secure and maintained while you're away. Simple steps like turning off electronics and having someone water your plants can make all the difference. Whether it's a weekend getaway or a month-long retreat, these preparations can give you peace of mind to enjoy your trip without worry. Let’s explore how to give your space a little break from daily life.

  1. Secure Your Home: Double-check that all windows and doors are locked. Consider investing in a timer for lights to deter potential burglars, or a smart home system to monitor your home remotely.

  2. Hold Your Mail: A full mailbox is a tell-tale sign that no one is home. Contact your postal service to hold your mail until you return, or ask a neighbor to collect it.

  3. Unplug Electronics: Save on energy and reduce fire risk by unplugging non-essential appliances and electronics, like TVs, computers, and toasters.

  4. Adjust Your Thermostat: To save on energy costs, adjust your thermostat so it doesn't heat or cool your home as much while you're away. In winter, set it to enough to prevent pipes from freezing.

  5. Clean the Fridge: Remove perishables and anything that might spoil while you're gone. Leave a box of baking soda in the fridge to absorb odors.

  6. Take Out the Trash: Remove trash from all bins in the house to avoid returning to unpleasant smells or attracting pests.

  7. Pause Subscriptions and Deliveries: If you receive regular deliveries (like newspapers or subscription boxes), pause them until you return.

  8. Water Plants and Lawn Care: Arrange for someone to water your plants. If you'll be gone long, consider professional lawn care or ask a neighbor to watch your garden.

  9. Inform a Trusted Neighbor or Friend: Let someone know your itinerary and how they can reach you in an emergency. Consider leaving a key with them if they need to access your home.

  10. Check Your Insurance: Make sure your home insurance policy is current and covers your needs while you're away.

  11. Secure Valuables: Lock up or hide valuables and important documents in a safe place.

  12. Emergency Contact List: Leave a list of emergency contacts, including your number, with a neighbor or friend. Include local emergency numbers and contacts for utility issues.

Most importantly, have the best time! Safe travels!!!

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Alice T Chan

Home Renovation Expert; Home Improvement Stategist

From Vision to Venue: The Art of Planning Your Home Renovation Like a Grand Event