Smart Tips for Stress-Free Moving

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Who loves moving? Hands up! No one? We thought so!

The thought of packing up your entire life into boxes can send even the calmest among us into a tizzy. But don’t worry, we broke down the steps to guide you through your move.

First, Let’s Get Organized

  • Start early: Why wait until the last minute? Begin the packing process weeks in advance, and you'll thank yourself later.

  • Inventory magic: Create a detailed inventory of what you're moving. This magical list will be your sanity saver.

  • Box labeling hack: Label each box not just by room but by priority, too. Unpacking ‘Kitchen-essential’ before ‘Kitchen-occasional’ will make life much easier.

Second, Pack Like a Pro

  • Invest in the right supplies: Don’t skimp on quality. Invest in sturdy boxes, quality tape, and bubble wrap. Your treasures deserve the best armor.

  • Breakables technique: Wrap your dishes and glasses in clothing or linens (ie towels and pillowcases). It saves on bubble wrap and space!

  • Clothes on the move: Keep your clothes on their hangers and simply slip them into garbage bags. Voilà! An instant, easy-to-move wardrobe.

Third, The Big Day and Beyond

  • Early bird gets the worm: Plan to start moving early in the day. You’ll avoid the heat and have more time to unpack.

  • Pack an ‘Essential’ box or overnight bag. Include all your basics, such as toiletries, a couple of outfits, and, of course, coffee or matcha for that first morning.

  • Engage your kids in the process. Give them simple tasks to make them feel involved and ease your load.

Moving doesn’t have to be a migraine-inducing event. With some planning, organization, and easy-to-follow tips, you’ll be sipping your favorite beverage in your new home before you know it. Remember, the key to a seamless move is to take it one step at a time — or one box at a time!

For more tips, listen to this episode of the Behind the Renovation podcast.

Do you have a moving hack that saved your sanity? Share it in the comments below! Let's turn the dread of moving into a shared triumph.

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Alice T Chan

Home Renovation Expert; Home Improvement Stategist

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